Naimisha Forest
Update on "Law and Order Minorities"
Every so often, Rasmussen breaks out details from its daily tracking poll to show Trump’s “Job Approval” among different ethnic groups. The company’s September 21 poll shows Trump’s national approval at 51%, with 53% among Whites, 39% among Blacks, and 51% for “Other Minorities” (a catch-all group led . . .
Will "Law-and-Order Minorities" Put Trump Over the Top in 2020?
2020 is when racial identity politics, after creeping up on Democrats for years, finally pounced and ate the party’s entire brain.
- Example: the startling refusal of Democrats at any level to condemn the nationwide “Black
Lives Matter” rioting as an unacceptable form of protest.
- Example: picking a Vice President . . .
Fox Force Five and the Great 'Women's March' Heist
Antisemitism as career strategy
Leah McSweeney and Jacob Siegel have a splendid investigative report at Tablet magazine - “Is the Women’s March Melting Down?” - on the capture of the “Women’s March” by a band of racial go-getters, and the movement’s subsequent and ongoing crackup. Here is an abundance of insights into the pitiless . . .
Posted in: anti-semitismclintonselitesethnicityfeminismidentity politicsliberalismracismslaverytrumpwomen
“My folks sell me and yo folks buy me”
Kanye West, “Barracoon” and some history of African slavery
Do you recollect the uproar caused by the musician Kanye West a couple of months ago when he said the ancestors of today’s African-Americans “chose” to remain in slavery? Arguments bounced around the word “choice.” What choices did slaves have? What choices do African-Americans have today? One point . . .
Scenes from two weddings
England and India
The first wedding was in England, at an 18th-century country house, set in an estate of some hundreds of acres of parkland and farms. No, I hadn’t been invited there by that dignified nobleman the Duke of Omnium. Many such places now run from a spreadsheet, restored and rented out by the day for middle-class weddings, anniversary . . .
Posted in: britaincasteethnicityeuropegeneticsidentity politicsimmigrationindiamarriagemulticulturalismnationruralurban
Why Trump?
I try to stay away from overtly partisan political blogging. One more article on why we should loathe or love Donald Trump? Please. Still, it’s hard to resist the odd political observation. There was abundant commentary in late January on the first anniversary of the Trump presidency. The President’s supporters celebrated his . . .
Posted in: clintonsethnicityfree speechidentity politicsimmigrationnationobamapolitical correctnesspoliticsreligiontrumpusa
I want to be Swiss in my next life
It’s too late for this lifetime, but in the next I’ll start early on the project of migrating to Switzerland.
Not that the Swiss will make it easy for me. In a 2014 referendum they exercised their national sovereignty by voting to introduce quotas on immigration, a move at odds with an earlier agreement with the European . . .
Posted in: alt-rightdemocracyeuropegunsidentity politicsimmigrationmilitarynationraceregressive leftswitzerland
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